Understanding the Epigenetic Influences on our Genes

Understanding the Epigenetic Influences on our Genes

In my last post I reviewed the basics of genetic testing and how the resulting info can help us better understand our health. But examined through lab work or not, our genes and their mutations only tell part of the story. The other, maybe more allusive, main character is what we call epigenetics. By definition this term refers to substances or molecules that turn your genes on and off. Essentially they are factors that are hanging out around your genes and help to inform when and if and how often those genes get coded for – and ultimately used to make enzymes and other proteins. 

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What the MTHFR @#$%er Should You Know About Your Genes?

What the MTHFR @#$%er Should You Know About Your Genes?

In between televised Olympic coverage this week, the commercial for ’23 and me’ has been one of my favorites. It starts looking all the world like a car ad; asking you what car you’d pick if you could only have one car for life. They then remind you, half way through romantic American landscape footage, that while you will likely have many cars in your lifetime, you will only have one body and it’s your job to take care of it. What a compelling explanation for exploring your genetic makeup!  

Our understanding of genomics, or the study of our human genes, has accelerated quickly since scientists completed coding of the human genome in 2003. We now have many different genetic testing options to look at one or almost all of our genes and interpreting the results is rarely straightforward. While ’23 and me’ may be one of the most recognized testing services, it is certainly not the only one.   

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Genetics and Your Gut – The Fascinating Field of Genomic Medicine and the Microbiome

Genetics and Your Gut – The Fascinating Field of Genomic Medicine and the Microbiome

Medicine is in the midst of a sea change.

The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003.

When this project was complete, scientists had mapped our entire genetic code – the very blueprint of the human body.

Since then our understanding of genomics has exploded.

Genomics involves understanding our genes and the various ways they work together and are turned on and off and how that influences our development, functioning and health.

It’s complicated stuff but so fascinating.

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